Featured Author Interview: E. Ann Brown

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Tell us about yourself.:
I grew up in the lower east side of Manhattan and Cambridge, MA. I am retired and live in Southern Oregon. I enjoy writing and love spending time with my six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?:
I grew up on the east coast. My writing began when I was babysitting as a teenager.
One little boy wanted me to “tell him a story out of my mouth”, not to read from any of the books he had heard before. I did, which influenced my writing later in life.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
No unusual writing habits. I just sit with the laptop on my lap and I write whatever "The Spirit" brings or gives me.

What authors have influenced you?
I grew up on the east coast. My writing began when I was babysitting as a teenager.
One little boy wanted me to “tell him a story out of my mouth”, not to read from any of the books he had heard before. I did, which influenced my writing later in life.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Advice for new authors would be not to discuss their writing or story ideas with others while they are writing. If you have a trusted friend, you can talk with them. Keep them to yourself.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?
The best advice I have been given was from my great-grandmother who I spent many summers with while growing up. She always told us to learn to rely on God and not this crazy world we live in.

What are you reading now?
I only like to read spiritual books. Daily I enjoy reading ACIM and the Bible often, but one of my favorite authors is Dr. Wayne Dyer.

What’s your biggest weakness?
My writing weakness is that I sometimes get carried away with an idea and then I receive a correction and have to erase the run-on stuff.
I am grateful that I can laugh at myself when that happens.

What is your favorite book of all time?
I would have to pick the bible.

When you’re not writing, how do you like to spend your time?
Of course, spending time with my big family… (Lol).
When I am not writing I either draw, paint, or sew. Those are very relaxing endeavors for me. I sew more than anything else. The process of creating something takes me away from the craziness of the world.

Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
The first story that I read that had an impact on me is a tough question. I read many books when I was a kid that had an impact on me, but no single book stands out as the most impressive at this time.

What has inspired you and your writing style?
I just enjoy a freestyle flow of writing and whatever the spirit of the lord sends my way.

What are you working on now?
I have several new book projects I am writing in various stages to completion.

What is your favorite method for promoting your work?
I have hired an exceptional book marketer who now handles all of my book promotions through social media, mainstream media, and literary sites.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I hope to have another book published soon.

How well do you work under pressure?
It has never been a problem for me.

If you could share one thing with your fans, what would that be?
My desire is for readers to take a chance with my new book release titled "Forever Kind of Love" and I think fans will be pleasantly surprised with the story.

E. Ann Brown’s Author Websites and Profiles
Amazon Profile
Goodreads Profile
Author Profile On Book Life

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