Featured Post: The Brilliant Caregiver by Ivory A Caregiver

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About The Brilliant Caregiver:

Prepare to be moved, enlightened, and even amused. Picture those you are caring for thriving rather than just surviving. In this book you will read true stories that demonstrate how to be a Brilliant Caregiver and discover innovative approaches that go beyond the conventional. Imagine a realm where caregiving is not just routine tasks. It’s giving care at a whole new level. Inspirational, educational and entertaining, you’ll be impatient to get to the next story. A heartfelt approach for family, professionals, and friends.

Targeted Age Group: 18-90
Written by: Ivory A Caregiver

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Author Bio:
From secretary to caregiver, a profession I’m better suited for. Once retired I gathered all my notes from years of caregiving and wrote, “The Brilliant Caregiver,” a book to uplift, educate and inspire, with stories about how to be with people so they thrive rather than just survive. And while that book was taking shape, my first book, “Whooz My Friend” was born, a children’s book for new readers, that teaches children they always have a friend, starting with themselves. That book was followed by another, but on caregiving, where everything I learned, caring for others, came to life, a book filled with delightful and powerful short stories about the resilient elders I worked for, who taught me how to care and bring them back to life, information I’m excited to pass on to you, dear Caregiver. My intention is that that the book becomes a model for what is possible when caring for another, and is a catalyst for change, that caregivers are recognized and acknowledged, held in high regard, their work well paid and they be celebrated!

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