Author Interview: Isaac Mashman

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Tell us about yourself.:
First off, I’d like to think the entire team for allowing me the pleasure to do this interview. My name is Isaac Mashman, and I am a businessman, an author, a huge coffee addict, and a few other titles like investor and podcaster. I run a public relations firm called Mashman Ventures, which I founded on April 17, 2020. Unlike traditional firms, we emphasize personal brands, so the business owner instead of the business. We’ve also worked with creatives and people from various different niches and lines of work.

Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?:
I was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida, and although it was and is a large city, I never viewed it as such. It took me leaving Jacksonville to really appreciate just how much it has to offer. In terms of influencing my writing, I had access to things that people from other places around the country never did. The St. John’s river runs through the city, I was 20 minutes away from the beach, and the city has a beautiful skyline of skyscrapers. It was a melting pot of cultures as well so I think it helped me become a well-rounded individual that didn’t think with lack and limitation.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
This isn’t as much of an unusual habit as it is a part of my process. Something I do with every book I write is not only map out the usual table of contents, but I will start with the easiest things. I want to format the manuscript, make sure the page size is proper, determine the fonts, disclaimers, have the copyright page ready to go, and things of that nature. Having this structured out gives me a really good feeling and sense of completion from the start.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
There are so many hugely talented people that haven’t gone about publishing their book, because they do not think that it is something that they could do themselves. The barrier to entry is lower than any time ever before and there are so many tools and resources available that can help guide a first time author along from point A to Z in terms of publishing. Don’t psych yourself out!

What is the best advice you have ever been given?
Several years ago I was invited to dinner by the vice president of the network, marketing company I was a part of. It’s a long story, but I spent 70 hours of travel time to attend this event, and he was impressed. At dinner, I asked him what the trick is to sales. His response was quite simple, but I still use it to this day. He said that if you want to close somebody and get them to be a consistent customer, you have to focus on their pain point. The real reason why they want something. In this case, was it money, was it time freedom, or was it companionship?

I’ve used this premise in selling my book as well. For example, my first work Personal Branding: A Manifesto on Fame and Influence leans into a person’s desire to build out their reputation.

What are you reading now?
I am currently reading 1984 by George Orwell, as well as The Chamber of Secrets by J. K. Rowling. I’ll have the full Harry Potter series done by the end of this year.

What’s your biggest weakness?
Procrastination, or you could say laziness. I am naturally a very lazy person, which is part of the reason why I look for systems and ways that I can get results faster and with less effort. It’s not that I can’t do the work or that I don’t want to, but if there is a way for me to get the same results quicker, doesn’t it make more sense?

What is your favorite book of all time?
I’ve been asked this several times, and each time I give a different answer. I have to say Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. For this work to come out in the early 1900s, and be as influential as it was and still is today, is a massive testament to the infallibility of the techniques and information that he wrote about.

When you’re not writing, how do you like to spend your time?
Growing my businesses! Being an author is secondary to my main career. From working with clients through my public relations, firm or scouring the Internet for different ways to grow my personal brand, I’m always busy. My more personal response is being a nature and doing things like riding my bike in the spring and summer months. I absolutely adore being outside.

Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
I’m about to take you way back. It was Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. Every time I picked up that book it made me cry. I know it’s just a simple children’s story, but growing up with a single mom I had a very close relationship with her, and still do to this day. I hope my books have that same emotional impact on somebody.

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