Featured Post: Our Cats Are Plotting To Kill Us by Jim Tilberry

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About Our Cats Are Plotting To Kill Us:

Julie and Darryl are a married couple who discover a way to read the minds of their cats, Oliver and Wendell. By doing so, they find out some amazing stuff about their feline companions. Oliver and Wendell are exceptionally smart. They philosophize about life, understand Spanish, and know history and pop culture. The cats also have hilarious “conversations” about every cat behavior from chasing mice to grooming to using the litter box. However, Julie and Darryl also discover a sinister side to their cats. It appears Oliver and Wendell are secretly scheming to murder their owners. Now the couple faces a crisis. Are the cats really going to murder them, and if so, how do they stop them? This fictional book includes many funny twists and surprises. It also includes many humorous illustrations. If you’re a cat owner and familiar with the unique and interesting ways cats behave, you’ll love this wacky new book.

Targeted Age Group: Adult
Written by: Jim Tilberry

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Author Bio:
Jim Tilberry writes short, funny, and entertaining books on topics as varied as vegetarianism, dating, and business. His latest book, “Our Cats Are Plotting to Kill Us,” is humorous look at that life of cats and what they think about. Tilberry lives and works near Chicago.

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