Featured Post: The Regrettable Decision by Aria Emend

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About The Regrettable Decision:

At the altar, Zarayah can’t help but wonder if she’s making a terrible mistake…

Keeping her husband-to-be’s secrets from her family wasn’t the first gut-wrenching decision she had to make. Choosing to go through with the wedding after learning what Zaire has done leaves Zarayah with a bad taste in her mouth. But surely it’s too late to call things off when they’re standing at the altar together… right?

Backing out would embarrass her family—and herself.

So she goes through with the marriage and things go from bad to worse. Their honeymoon cruise is a disaster and her anything-but-loving husband leaves her wondering if her family was right—maybe he’s not good enough for her. Still, she tries to make the best of things, until she learns he’s keeping more secrets from her. Can she break free of him and live life on her own terms? Or will he keep her under his thumb forever?

Targeted Age Group: 18+
Written by: Aria Emend

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Author Bio:
Aria Emend writes stories that are close to her heart—stories that are diverse and culturally rich. She’s always had a passion for reading, and dreamed of someday writing her own books. That dream came true with the publication of her first novel in the Forbidden Love Series, The Forbidden Love Affair in early 2022, and continues with her latest publication The Regrettable Decision.

Born in the Cape Verde Islands, Aria traveled to the US at age eight. Though she currently resides in Massachusetts—and has for the last forty plus years—she adores her Cape Verdean roots and cherishes her rich, traditional family values. As a wife, mother, and grandmother, she’s passed those values on to the next generation and continues to teach that love conquers all. After all, love is diverse and beautiful, and our literature should be too.

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