Featured Post: The Rampion Child by Minerva Hart

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About The Rampion Child:

High in the mountains, Lorelai lives a quiet life with her mother, Breanne. Sometimes, Breanne is rougher than she intends to be, leaving bruises and scratches on her daughter’s soft skin, but that is only because her love for Lorelai is as great as her fear of the outside world. It is rife with monsters, Red Hoods, treacherous folk of both mundane and magical abilities, and – worst of all – the True Faith, who rule Shipbreaker Shore with an iron fist. They dominate all who live on the isle, and execute those who don’t obey their holy laws. Even the royal family is terrified of them.

Mother and daughter live a life of seclusion to hide from such perils. While Lorelai is curious about the world beyond their tiny hut, Breanne insists they have all they need because they have each other.

Lorelai’s life is sheltered and lonely… until she meets and befriends Odele, a young Red Hood with a difficult past.

Lorelai is happier than she’s ever been. Little does she know that her mother is afraid of something far more tangible than dragons, ghouls, or even the True Faith: Time. Lorelai is twelve, on the cusp of womanhood, and Breanne will do the unspeakable to keep the girl from leaving her.

Targeted Age Group: Young Adult
Written by: Minerva Hart

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Author Bio:
Minerva Hart is a millennial self-published author living in Rome, Italy with her husband (with plans to move to the US in the near future). Minerva has traveled a lot, living in three different countries and visiting twelve in total. She loves sushi, reading novels (fantasy and horror are her two favorite genres), days at the spa, and watching movies with her husband. While she writes in English for the sake of accessing a larger audience, Italian is her mother tongue.

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