FEATURED: Damned Yankees by Ray Deptula

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FEATURED: Damned Yankees by Ray Deptula
About Featured Book: Damned Yankees by Ray Deptula

99 cents on 01/06/2025
Those who fight their nation’s wars are typically those least able to avoid it.
The world was, is now, and always will be a complicated and volatile place filled with those whose self-interests supersede more noble aspirations.
If history has taught us anything, it is that times may change, but human nature does not.
The competing interests and political tensions of the formation of our country were no more or less dysfunctional than they are today, with the best and worst of individual behavior continually on display.
Jack Halliday wants nothing more than to belong somewhere that provides him with security and values his worth.
In an uncaring world that devours the weak, he is forced to rely on his strongest attribute, his ability and willingness to fight, which ironically belies his benevolent nature.
Much like the fledgling union of the thirteen original colonies, Jack’s rebirth into autonomy constantly teeters on demise in a world where his decisions are all he can control.

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