Years ago, in a high school in the quiet town of Austin, Minnesota, a tragic incident occurred. A classmate attacked a boy, slashing his face with a sharp object and leaving a deep scar on his cheek. Years later, a series of horrific murders shakes the peaceful community. One by one, seemingly unconnected individuals fall victim to a mysterious killer dressed in black, their face hidden beneath a hood. How does this shadowy figure manage to evade the police, leaving no trace behind? What connection do they have to a gang of arms dealers operating in the shadows? As the investigation unfolds, detectives make a chilling discovery – three of the victims attended the same high school years ago…
This novel is crafted for aficionados of suspenseful detective fiction.
Targeted Age Group: 16+
Written by: Natalie Shpet
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Author Bio:
The author says:
“This book is not just a thriller – it is something more that makes us think about the actions and essence of the person himself! that one is truly not born a murderer, but one who becomes one.”
She continues ‘In my youth, I wrote scripts for school plays, and my literature teacher said that I had immense talent and should write my own book. To be honest, I took it as a joke and nothing more. However, in 2023, when my husband and I watched films (I won’t reveal the titles; I want readers to piece together this puzzle over time), I can only say that Jonathan Rhys Meyers starred in one of the films, while Jake Gyllenhaal starred in the other. That’s why I dedicated my book “In Still Waters” to them! Thanks to Jake, my character Toby Clark was born, and thanks to Jonathan, Milosh Dobrev came to life.’
About the author:
Natalie Shpet was born and raised in Moscow, now lives in the suburbs in a house with her large family. Natalie and her husband have four children. The writer has two higher educations: psychologist and manager. During her school years, Natalie wrote scripts for plays and therefore her school literature teacher said that she had enormous talent, and she needed to write books! In 2023, Natalie began writing her first novel, In Still Waters.